Mmmm, toes. Soft on the outside, crispy on the inside.

Mama and I went to help grandma move her storage unit contents from one to another. We were there for hours and hours, and I was trying really hard to be nice about sitting out in the heat for what seems like a week. Here I'm chillin' in my ride, trying to keep cool.

Pretty sure this isn't a regulation playpen. But, hey, it was shady.

Grandma, daddy, mama and I flew to San Antonio, Texas, this month for my cousin's son's wedding. It was my first time on an airplane. Mama said I did soooo good and was soooo sweet. Hey, I was just being me. Some famous people called Maroon 5 were taking up the entire big-seat front section of our plane. I guess they make music that mama and daddy really like. They all smiled, said hello and waved at me. Mama said she wishes she'd taken a picture of me with them, but she was too shy to intrude.

I got to meet my cousin Rita while we were there. She's going to have a baby girl in a couple of months, so I'll have a playmate who's about the same age apart from me as mama and cousin Rita are.

While we were in San Antonio, mama got together with her friend Erin. Erin's baby, Sam, is about six weeks younger than me. He seemed nice; I wish we'd had more time to play.

Last weekend, grandma, mama and I went to the Strawberry Festival. It's a big event around here, since so many of America's strawberries come from this area. Mama ate strawberry pizza, strawberry nachos, strawberry shortcake and I can't even remember what else. She said that was OK because it's fruit. It looked like more whipped cream and pastry than fruit, but I'll take her word for it.

Today I'm thinking inside the box. I like playing peek-a-boo with the box flap. It doesn't get stuck on my head like blankets do.

I guess that's it for now. Sorry I haven't written much lately. I'm keeping busy!